# Exception Order

# Meaning of abnormal order:

  • Any abnormality in processing orders in the warehouse will be classified as abnormal orders
    • The actual quantity of goods is found to be insufficient in the warehouse
    • The goods are found to be damaged in the picking area
    • The order has been cancelled before leaving the warehouse, etc.

# Abnormal order mind map

  • Warehouse party
    • Add abnormal order When warehouse audit; when packing; when scanning out of warehouse
    • Abnormal order list - revert to warehouse audit
  • Merchant side
    • List of abnormal orders - moved to the recycle bin

# Pack Order-move in exception

  • In the Warehouse Review interface, click Exceptionto move into abnormal order
    • Pay attention to add notes img.png

# Packing list-move in exception

  • In the Pack Orderinterface, click Exception to move into the abnormal order
    • Order quantity; multiple quantity; compound order img.png

# Stockout Order-Move In Abnormal

  • In the Stockout Orderinterface, clickAbnormal to move into the abnormal order
    • At this time, it will verify whether the order has been cancelled on the platform (not completed) img.png

# Abnormal order restoration (warehouse)

  • In theException Order interface, the warehouse party can restore the abnormal order to warehouse review and merchant review img.png

# Abnormal orders moved to the recycle bin (merchants)

  • In theException Order interface, the merchant can move the abnormal order to the order recycle bin img.png

# Order recycle bin (merchants)

  • Meaning of order recycle bin
    • Put the orders that do not need to be reviewed or the problem orders into the order recycle bin

# Move to trash

  • In the Merchant Review interface, click Recycle Bin
  • In the Exception Orderinterface, click More and selectRecycle Bin img.png

# Order recycle bin

  • Delete: delete the order completely
  • Restore: Restore to the Merchant Reviewinterface img.png