# Purchase Management

# Supplier List

  • The operation is as follows:
    • Click Supplier List, click Add
    • Fill in supplier Info and personal info
    • After filling in, click Save img.png

# Create purchase order

# Add Order (exclusive to merchants)

  • Select Add Order and click Add Purchase Order
  • Select Supplier, Time and other information img.png
  • Click Choose Goods, you can filter out the required purchased products by searching for the product, and proceed to Batch Choose img.png
  • Enter Purchase Qty and purchase price, click save and submit img.png
  • Click Entering Warehouse,Select Apply for warehouse entry img.png

# Method 2: Excel import purchase order(exclusive to merchants)

Note: If the product in the purchase order does not exist on theMy Product page, the system will automatically generate a new one on the My Product page

  • Select Add Purchase, click Import Purchase Order to download the purchase img.png img.png

  • Upload purchase list img

# Waiting list (exclusive to warehouse)

  • The list with the status Apply is displayed here for warehouse verification and review

    • Click on the corresponding list and the "Edit" button to modify the inbound quantity. Only when the quantity is "checked low" can "commercial loss" be clicked img
  • If the applied quantity is consistent with the verified quantity in the warehouse, you can directly click "Enter Warehouse" and select the storage area (suggested picking area) img

  • If batch warehousing is required, check the corresponding purchase list and click on 'Batch Warehousing' to proceed with batch warehousing



  • For the list that has been processed for batch warehousing, if you need to change the status of the list, you can click 'Complete' to change the status to 'Completed Warehousing' img

# Purchase Orders

  • Display a list of in transit in all states (easy to view) img.png

# Wastage (merchant operation authority, warehouse viewing authority)

  • Merchant side: After confirming the business loss data, click Check the warehouse to continue to push the warehouse to verify the warehouse entry img.png