# Blibli

To associate yourBlibli Selleraccount with ShangMa, you need the following two pieces of information

  • Seller ID
  • Api-Seller-Key

# 1: Log in to Blibli Seller Center

# 2: Copy Seller ID

  • After successfully logging in, click on the user profile in the upper right corner of the page, and then drop down to select the Info toko option. You can find theID Seller in the left part, as shown in the screenshot below: img.png

# 3: Bind the API of ERP and generate the store's API seller key

  • Click on the user profile in the upper right corner of the page, and then drop down to select thePengaturan Seller API option. As shown in the screenshot below img.png

  • If you have set up a Signature key, please turn it off before authorization, otherwise you will not be able to authorize to the ERP. img.png

  • Click the Buat ulang button to generate Api-Seller-Key, and fill in the API Client ID of erp inID API klien, as shown in the figure below:

    • Shangma Client ID:mta-api-shangmanetworkte-d4454 img.png

# 4: New platform

  • In the Shop Management-Blibli interface, click Add
  • Enter Blibli's corresponding login account email, and theSeller ID andApi-Seller-Key obtained from the Blibli platform operation just now, and click Save img.png

# 5: Platform authorization

  • Check the added store and click Authorization. img.png