# PDA User Manual

# PDA homepage display


# Picking basket settings

  • In System Management - Basket Management, click Add to add a new basket header


  • You can print the barcode for the basket head or the corresponding sub basket barcode

    img.png img.png Note: A represents the basket leader name, A1-A10 represents the sub basket name

# Product Query

Click on Product Query and scan the corresponding SKU barcode to display the corresponding product information



# Single picking

  1. Select Single picking and click Get picking list to pull the corresponding picking list from the system


2.If the picking basket is enabled, you need to first scan the corresponding barcode at the head of the picking basket. The right switch can control whether it is enabled or not. After it is closed, you can directly scan the SKU barcode


Note: If the product is out of stock, you can click on the out of stock exception

# Composite picking

Precondition: The basket head and corresponding sub baskets must be set up properly

  1. Select 'Composite Picking' and click 'Get Picking List' to pull the corresponding picking list from the system


  1. Scan the barcode of the basket head first


  1. Scan the barcode of the product and it will be displayed in the corresponding sub basket below Note: 1. If the product is out of stock, you can click on the out of stock exception;2. If the basket header is scanned incorrectly, it can be modified by manually clicking on the basket header name
  • Click on the Picking List in the upper right corner to view all picking lists and corresponding list details



# Packaging inspection

Scenario: Before the package is packaged, PDA can be used for inspection

  1. Select Packaging Inspection on the PDA and enter the inspection page by scanning the order number or logistics tracking number


  1. Scan product barcode for inspection


# Order outbound

For orders with a packaged status on the system, they can be shipped out through PDA scanning of the manifest

  • Select Order Delivery on PDA and scan the barcode on the package manifest for delivery



# Purchase Receipt

  • select Purchase Receipt, and enter the corresponding purchase inbound order page

  • Select the required receipt


  • Count the quantity of the corresponding product (you can manually input the quantity, or you can scan the barcode of the product through PDA to increase the quantity)

  • Click Not Started or In Progress to save the filled quantity

    • If the counted quantity is less than the storage application quantity, the purchase order can be listed as a commercial loss


  • Click Complete warehousing, select the required warehousing location, and complete the warehousing


# Inventory count

  • select Inventory

  • Go to the inventory page

    • 2-1: Select the list that needs to be counted, click Not Started or In Progress to start the inventory task, which can be done by scanning the barcode of the product through PDA, or by manually entering the quantity


    • F: Indicates that the quantity counted on the current page is directly filled in to the actual quantity


  • After filling in the inventory quantity, click In Progress or Not Started to complete the inventory task of the current product. After all are completed, click Complete inventory

  • 2-2: If there is no new inventory list on the system, you can select Free inventory


  • Enter the Free Inventory page, select the corresponding location, and scan the barcode of the commodity to be counted through the PDA for inventory. After the inventory is completed, the system will also generate the corresponding inventory list.

    img.png img.png